Workshops (runde 3)
Workshops giver deltagerne en værdifuld mulighed for at udveksle viden og erfaringer om de sociale og faglige udfordringer, de står overfor i deres arbejde.
Til de tre runder af workshops har socialpædagoger, institutioner, forskere, uddannelsesteams mv. muligheden for at præsentere et væsentligt og originalt aspekt af deres arbejde i relation til verdenskongressens tema: Socialpædagoger forandrer liv (Social Educators Change Lives).
Workshopsene vil blive afholdt på enten engelsk, spansk eller fransk. Spontan oversættelse kan eventuelt tilbydes af flersprogede deltagere under præsentationen.
Workshops runde 3
I runde 3 kan du vælge mellem en af de følgende workshops. Bemærk sproget, som workshoppen afholdes på.
Workshops afholdt på engelsk
- Adolescents' psychological potential actualization within the recreational and developmental environment in war conditions (Ukraine)
- Social educators in the Czech Republic: profession, challenges and professional support (Czech Republic)
- Individual pedagogic as flexible form of care taker settings with kids at high risk (Austria)
- Relational Pedagogy and Professional Identity (Denmark)
- Growing social pedagogy in a hostile environment: collaborative transgressions shifting the status quo in the UK (UK)
- Fun and playfulness as a method in working with people with mental disabilities/learning disabilities/mental impairments (Denmark)
- Autism and Developmental Trauma (Denmark)
- KRAP – Evidence-Based Methods to Foster Human Development, Learning, and Well-Being (Denmark)
- Educators as consent role-models (Austria)
- How to work with children’s rights in your pedagogical context? (Peru, Chile, Costa Rica, Bolivia, Denmark)
- Elderly People: Teamwork and Intergenerationality as Best Practices (Italy)
Workshops afholdt på spansk
- Fathers and mothers come to school (Colombia)
- Social Education and the discouraged in the era of digital transition (Brazil)
- AEESSP – Professional and organizational experiences in a context of coup d'état and the rise of right-wing governments in Brazil (Brazil)
Workshops afholdt på fransk
- The Creative Process as a Vector of Change and Integration – The Example of a Public Photographic Exhibition (Switzerland)
- Giving a Voice to Beneficiaries: Making the Invisible Visible (Switzerland)