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Den 21. AIEJI Verdenskongres begynder om

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Workshops (runde 3)

Workshops giver deltagerne en værdifuld mulighed for at udveksle viden og erfaringer om de sociale og faglige udfordringer, de står overfor i deres arbejde.

tirsdag, 20 maj
10.00 - 10.45

Til de tre runder af workshops har socialpædagoger, institutioner, forskere, uddannelsesteams mv. muligheden for at præsentere et væsentligt og originalt aspekt af deres arbejde i relation til verdenskongressens tema: Socialpædagoger forandrer liv (Social Educators Change Lives).

Workshopsene vil blive afholdt på enten engelsk, spansk eller fransk. Spontan oversættelse kan eventuelt tilbydes af flersprogede deltagere under præsentationen.

Workshops runde 3

I runde 3 kan du vælge mellem en af de følgende workshops. Bemærk sproget, som workshoppen afholdes på.

Workshops afholdt på engelsk

  1. Adolescents' psychological potential actualization within the recreational and developmental environment in war conditions (Ukraine)
  2. Social educators in the Czech Republic: profession, challenges and professional support (Czech Republic)
  3. Individual pedagogic as flexible form of care taker settings with kids at high risk (Austria)
  4. Relational Pedagogy and Professional Identity (Denmark)
  5. Growing social pedagogy in a hostile environment: collaborative transgressions shifting the status quo in the UK (UK)
  6. Fun and playfulness as a method in working with people with mental disabilities/learning disabilities/mental impairments (Denmark)
  7. Autism and Developmental Trauma (Denmark)
  8. KRAP – Evidence-Based Methods to Foster Human Development, Learning, and Well-Being (Denmark)
  9. Educators as consent role-models (Austria)
  10. How to work with children’s rights in your pedagogical context? (Peru, Chile, Costa Rica, Bolivia, Denmark)
  11. Elderly People: Teamwork and Intergenerationality as Best Practices (Italy)

Workshops afholdt på spansk

  1. Fathers and mothers come to school (Colombia)
  2. Social Education and the discouraged in the era of digital transition (Brazil)
  3. AEESSP – Professional and organizational experiences in a context of coup d'état and the rise of right-wing governments in Brazil (Brazil)

Workshops afholdt på fransk

  1. The Creative Process as a Vector of Change and Integration – The Example of a Public Photographic Exhibition (Switzerland)
  2. Giving a Voice to Beneficiaries: Making the Invisible Visible (Switzerland)


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