Workshops (runde 2)
Workshops giver deltagerne en værdifuld mulighed for at udveksle viden og erfaringer om de sociale og faglige udfordringer, de står overfor i deres arbejde.
Til de tre runder af workshops har socialpædagoger, institutioner, forskere, uddannelsesteams mv. muligheden for at præsentere et væsentligt og originalt aspekt af deres arbejde i relation til verdenskongressens tema: Socialpædagoger forandrer liv (Social Educators Change Lives).
Workshopsene vil blive afholdt på enten engelsk, spansk eller fransk. Spontan oversættelse kan eventuelt tilbydes af flersprogede deltagere under præsentationen.
Workshops runde 2
I runde 2 kan du vælge mellem en af de følgende workshops. Bemærk sproget, som workshoppen afholdes på.
Workshops afholdt på engelsk
- How to work with children’s rights in your pedagogical context? (Peru, Chile, Costa Rica, Bolivia, Denmark)
- Elderly People: Teamwork and Intergenerationality as Best Practices (Italy)
- Informal Learning Spaces Catering the Wellbeing of Students (Turkey)
- Weathering the storm: Wellbeing and self-knowledge (UK)
- What do you mean when you say MEAN? Cross-cultural differences in communication styles (Spain)
- Group-based interventions empowering marginalized adults (Denmark)
- Double Minority Challenge- The role of Social Educators in work for persons with disabilities of an immigrant background (Iceland)
- Storytelling thinking in gambling disorder decision-making process (Italy)
- The Nordic Mindset: How a Social Educator Became a Mental Health Mentor for Children with Special Needs (Denmark)
- La Partiteca, intervention with young people through board games (Spain)
- Empowering Independence: Mobile Support Services for Individuals with Disabilities (Iceland)
- How do we stop the negative spiral of development of young people with antisocial and aggressive behaviour problems? (Denmark)
Workshops afholdt på spansk
- Breaking down walls, building networks: Children's participation in building a new care paradigm (Argentina)
- Coping Strategies in the Trajectories of Migrant Adolescents in Chile (Chile)
- Educational Supervision as a Self-Care Strategy for Professional Teams Working with Vulnerable Children and Adolescents (Spain)
Workshops afholdt på fransk
- The Educator: A Bridge Between Compulsory Schooling and Socio-Professional Integration – Missions and Tasks (Switzerland)