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Workshops (runde 2)

Workshops giver deltagerne en værdifuld mulighed for at udveksle viden og erfaringer om de sociale og faglige udfordringer, de står overfor i deres arbejde.

tirsdag, 20 maj
09.00 - 09.45

Til de tre runder af workshops har socialpædagoger, institutioner, forskere, uddannelsesteams mv. muligheden for at præsentere et væsentligt og originalt aspekt af deres arbejde i relation til verdenskongressens tema: Socialpædagoger forandrer liv (Social Educators Change Lives).

Workshopsene vil blive afholdt på enten engelsk, spansk eller fransk. Spontan oversættelse kan eventuelt tilbydes af flersprogede deltagere under præsentationen.

Workshops runde 2

I runde 2 kan du vælge mellem en af de følgende workshops. Bemærk sproget, som workshoppen afholdes på.

Workshops afholdt på engelsk

  1. How to work with children’s rights in your pedagogical context? (Peru, Chile, Costa Rica, Bolivia, Denmark)
  2. Elderly People: Teamwork and Intergenerationality as Best Practices (Italy)
  3. Informal Learning Spaces Catering the Wellbeing of Students (Turkey)
  4. Weathering the storm: Wellbeing and self-knowledge (UK)
  5. What do you mean when you say MEAN? Cross-cultural differences in communication styles (Spain)
  6. Group-based interventions empowering marginalized adults (Denmark)
  7. Double Minority Challenge- The role of Social Educators in work for persons with disabilities of an immigrant background (Iceland)
  8. Storytelling thinking in gambling disorder decision-making process (Italy)
  9. The Nordic Mindset: How a Social Educator Became a Mental Health Mentor for Children with Special Needs (Denmark)
  10. La Partiteca, intervention with young people through board games (Spain)
  11. Empowering Independence: Mobile Support Services for Individuals with Disabilities (Iceland)
  12. How do we stop the negative spiral of development of young people with antisocial and aggressive behaviour problems? (Denmark)

Workshops afholdt på spansk

  1. Breaking down walls, building networks: Children's participation in building a new care paradigm (Argentina)
  2. Coping Strategies in the Trajectories of Migrant Adolescents in Chile (Chile)
  3. Educational Supervision as a Self-Care Strategy for Professional Teams Working with Vulnerable Children and Adolescents (Spain)

Workshops afholdt på fransk

  1. The Educator: A Bridge Between Compulsory Schooling and Socio-Professional Integration – Missions and Tasks (Switzerland)


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