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The 21st AIEJI World Congress begins in

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Per Isdal (NO)

Per Isdal is a Norwegian psychologist, psychotherapist, and author of professional literature.

In 1987, Per Isdal founded Europe's first treatment center for men who commit violence against women ("Alternative to Violence"). He has worked for more than 37 years as a therapist for men (and some women) with issues related to violence and aggression.

He became interested early on in what facing illness, suffering, human pain, violence, and trauma can do to the professional helper. Being a helper is a "high-risk profession." Terms used for our own health risks include secondary trauma, vicarious traumatization, and compassion fatigue (burnout due to compassion). In 2018, he published the book The Price of Compassion, a book about helpers and our health risks. The book is now translated into Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, and Estonian.

In 2011, Isdal was awarded "Psychologist of the Year" by the Norwegian Psychological Association, and in 2017, he was knighted by the King of Norway in the Order of St. Olav.

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