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The 21st AIEJI World Congress begins in

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Call for abstracts - workshops

The program of the World Congress will include workshops designed to be interactive and peer-led, with social educators learning from each other. Think of it as a professional jam session where you can share your expertise and experiences with colleagues from around the world. What are you particularly skilled at in your role? Do you have cases and examples of how your work has positively impacted the lives of the citizens you serve? We hope your workshop will inspire your fellow social educators and offer new perspectives on professionalism and the field.

To host a workshop, you need to submit an abstract, which will be reviewed by the Aieji World Congress Program Committee.

*Download the abstract template to apply to hold a workshop here*

Key Dates

Deadline for Abstract Submission: February 1st, 2025

Notification of Acceptance: March 1st, 2025

Workshops are scheduled for Monday, May 19th, 2025, and Tuesday, May 20th, 2025, in the program. Each session should last 45 minutes, allowing time for participant discussions or other participant-involving activities.

Abstract Submission Guidelines

Languages: Abstracts can be submitted in English, Spanish, or French. Presentations at the congress can also be in any of these languages. Please note that interpretation services will not be provided for workshops. Abstracts must be written in clear and comprehensible English, Spanish, or French.

Submissions that do not adhere to these guidelines may not be considered for acceptance.

Title: The title of the workshop should be concise, no longer than 20 words or 70 characters (including spaces). Begin with a capital letter and use lowercase for subsequent words.
Examples: “Creating safe spaces for marginalized youth", ” Supporting quality of life for individuals with disabilities”.

Description: Provide a brief introduction to your workshop topic, including what you will present (e.g., a specific method, a case study, a change you’ve implemented, or something else of interest). The description should be clear and engaging, not exceeding 2500 characters.

Content: Use standard abbreviations and explain any special or uncommon abbreviations in parentheses after their first use. Use numerals for numbers. It is not necessary to use references. If you do include references, please minimize their use and format them as follows: (Authors, journal, year, volume, pages).

Supplementary Material: Include any relevant tables, graphs, or diagrams.

Contact Information: Include the names and contact details of all workshop hosts.

To submit your abstract, please complete the templeate (download here) and send it via email to aieji2025@sl.dk


We recommend reviewing these guidelines before proceeding with your submission.
We look forward to receiving your contributions!

Please note that hosting a workshop is a voluntary activity and is not compensated or associated with any honorarium. We hope you see this as a valuable opportunity to share your knowledge and experience with colleagues from around the world.

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